Day 37: Cold Beer

Posted: August 21, 2011 in family, food or drink, friends

Even while enjoying a nice cold beer or two with friends I’ve always associated the drink with white trash, frat-boys, and rednecks.  I’ve never identified with any of these groups, but I was always afraid that talking about beer openly would conjure images in people’s minds of me chewing tobacco at a nascar rally or wearing polo shirts while chest bumping and making lewd comments about women.

Of course that’s just ridiculous, it’s just a beverage.  Albeit a beverage that makes you feel good, except of course when it’s making you feel bad.  Beer comes in many colors, textures, and flavors and just like there are a variety of beers, there are a variety of beer drinkers.

Last night, after work, I went to my brother Trevor’s place to hang out.  We  had a cold beer together while we cooked, joked around, and talked about our plans for the future.  It wasn’t a night of binge drinking by any means, but 2 beers on an empty stomach is enough to put me in a laid back, somewhat silly mood (not that I need much help with that.)  Truth be told, it would have been an awesome night regardless if we had anything to drink, the same way that ice cream is awesome with out sprinkles.  I had fun last night, sprinkles and all.

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